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Student Registration



The Warrick County School Corporation (WCSC) is pleased to announce a new Online Registration process. Online Registration is required for all students entering grades 9-12 who plan to attend WCSC for the 2024-2025 school year.  WCSC will implement this new process for ALL grade levels starting with the 2025-2026 school year. This new, efficient process replaces the paper packets that parents were required to complete in past years and will ensure your child’s school has the most up-to-date, accurate student information.

All students entering grades 9-12, both returning and new, must be registered for school using this online process. Please click on one of the buttons below to register your student(s).

The Returning Students button is if you have a student currently enrolled in WCSC.

The New Students button is for those that have never had a student enrolled in WCSC or if you have ever had a student enrolled in WCSC who is not currently enrolled.



High School Online Student Registration 

(Online Registration is for high school only. For middle and elementary info scroll down this page.)




Register Returning Students


Parents with students currently enrolled in WCSC will use their Synergy ParentVue account, our online parent portal, to access Online Registration and verify/update their student’s information.  Once you are logged into ParentVue, click the Online Registration button seen in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  Parents using the mobile application will see the Online Registration option below the Synergy Mail icon.  The process will resume where the parent left off if a logout is necessary while completing the registration. 
Only ONE parent/guardian may verify information for their student.   Multiple high school students tied to the same family can be registered at one time.  No additional documentation is required if all information is up-to-date as you verify the registration.

You will electronically sign for address verification if your address is the same as listed.  If you have moved, a Proof of Residency document for your new address is required.

**If you have never accessed your ParentVue account, please conact the guidance office secretary at your child’s school at the email address listed below to receive an activation key.  

**If you do not remember your login information, please do not create another account, please click the Forgot Password link on the ParentVue login screen or contact the guidance office secretary at the email address listed below.  The system will email you a link to reset your password to the email address you originally used to setup ParentVue. Please check your spam/junk folders as well.

Guidance Office Secretary Email Addresses

Castle High School:

Boonville High School:

Tecumseh High School:



Register New Students


Parents of students who reside in the WCSC boundary and need to enroll in WCSC for the first time MUST CREATE a ParentVue account, our online parent portal.  To create your ParentVue account, click the Register New Students button above and follow the instructions. 


A ParentVue activation key would have been created for you at the time your student was currently enrolled.  You may use those same credentials to login to ParentVue at the link below and register your child.  If you do not remember your login information, please do not create another account, please click the Forgot Password link on the ParentVue login screen or contact the guidance office secretary. The system will email you a link to reset your password to the email address you originally used to setup ParentVue.  Please check your spam/junk folders as well.

ParentVUE is an online portal that provides parents with a wealth of information regarding their student(s). It is used for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to):

  • registering new students

  • yearly student registration (for those previously enrolled)

  • checking grades

  • viewing class schedule

  • viewing/updating emergency contact info

  • messages from your student's teachers

To access ParentVUE, click here. The link can also be found on our district homepage.


StudentVUE is an online portal that provides the same information but is for students; students can access StudentVUE by clicking here.


There are also ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps available for download on your smartphone.


Student Handbook

Click here to view the Middle and High School Student Handbook.


Elementary and Middle Student Registration information

Helpful Information

When you go to a Warrick County school to register your child, please bring the following information:

  • Proof of Birth Date
  • Proof of Immunizations
  • Proof of Address
  • Proof of Guardianship / Custody (Where Appropriate)


If your child is coming from a different school beyond the kindergarten level, please bring a copy of a recent report card from the previous school.

If you are enrolling in Kindergarten, please click here.


Student Handbook

Click here to view the Middle School Student Handbook.


Info for all WCSC grade level students and parents

Chromebook Pledge and Parent Obligations

Click here to view the WCSC Student Chromebook Pledge.

Click here to view the WCSC Chromebook and G-Suite Notice.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call 812-897-0400

Student Transfer

Requests by parents, guardians, or custodians of Indiana students who do not reside in the Warrick County School Corporation but wish to enroll their child in the school corporation will be considered with the following conditions.

View the Student Transfer Requirements

Student Immunization and Physical Examinations

Periodic physical examinations by a physician are in the best interest of each student and are recommended, but not required, by the Warrick County School Corporation. Physical examinations may be required before participation in some special school activities such as competitive athletics are required.

When a student enrolls in a school in the Warrick County School Corporation, the parent must show that he/she has been fully immunized.

Download the Minimum Immunization Requirements

Immunization Exemptions

Children who are exempted from immunization requirements for medical, religious or other reasons must file the exemption in written form with the school corporation. A physician must sign medical exemptions. A parent or legal guardian must sign other exemptions. Also, a statement of immunization history must be filed with the school corporation, even if the history is completely negative. An immunization history may be documented by a physician's certificate, including the number and dates of administered doses; by records forwarded from another school corporation, including the number and dates of administered doses; or by a record maintained by a parent, which shows the month and year each dose of vaccine was administered.

When a child enrolls in school for the first time or at any subsequent time or at any level, his parents must show that he/she has been immunized or that an exemption has been filed.


Medication Form

Click here to view/download the WCSC medication form.